Mechanicsburg teacher receives award


By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG – The Mechanicsburg School Board of Education met on Monday, Sept. 9 at Mechanicsburg Schools.

Superintendent Dr. Danielle Prohaska shared board commendations. She stated that teacher Scott Marsh had received the Northeast Region 2023 Excellence in Education Award. She also shared that the Mechanicsburg Fire Department had sent a note of thanks for the school’s cooperation in training for the department. Lastly, Prohaska various announced FFA student commendations.

Board member Paul McMahill shared that on Oct. 3, Ohio Hi-Point will be celebrating 50 years of educating students. The school is holding an “all class reunion and community event” that day from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The event will include campus tours, hands on demos and activities, live music, food trucks, and more.

Recommendations from the treasurer Scott Maruniak were approved by the board. This included approval of financial reports and the fiscal year 2025 permanent appropriations.

The board then approved various supplemental contracts, volunteers and non-teaching contracts. This included approval of many substitute teachers, as well as a long-term leave of absence for Bryan Eyink.

The next board of education meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 14 at 6 p.m.

Reach the writer at [email protected]

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