Looking Back – The Tri-County Fair in North Lewisburg


Submitted story

The Agricultural and Stock Tri-County Fair of Champaign, Logan and Union counties was held near North Lewisburg every year from 1881 to 1885.

Harness and thoroughbred horse racing was held on a half-mile racetrack on the fairgrounds.

An announcement in the Aug. 18, 1881 edition of The Urbana Citizen & Gazette read, “The training track is … said to be one of the best in the state.”

There is no newspaper record of the fair after 1885.

Since each of the three counties held their own fairs during these years, it is likely that the Tri-County Fair could not compete. The exact location of the Tri-County fairgrounds is uncertain.

Info from Champaign County Historical Society (CCHS).

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