The Urbana Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution met Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. New Regent Linda Fullerton gaveled the meeting to order and began the opening ritual, asking Suzanne Selvaggio to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Connie Flanly led recitation of the American’s Creed, and the National Anthem was sung, accompanied on the piano by Joanna Woodburn.

The regent led the group in recitation of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America, and then introduced special guests Lacy Campbell, Kathy Bailey, and Miranda Hammons.

Lynda Berube, Chaplain, gave a prayer for the meal prior to the brown-bag dinner partaken by seventeen members and three guests.

Regent Fullerton distributed a copy of the Program Overview for the new year, stating there is room for more hostesses to sign up.

Kim Snyder read the President General’s message, which introduced the third year of the Wright administration. It was pointed out that this year also celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Kate Duncan Smith School, and Ohio surpassed its goal for the school.

The National Defense Report was read by Jeanette Enyart. Ohio was featured in the Report. Several well-known events have taken place in August, one of which was Hawaii becoming a state; Another was First Lady Dolly Madison, wife of President James Madison, saving the Gilbert Stuart portrait of President George Washington before the British burned the White House in 1814.

With no comments or questions on the minutes of the June meeting, they will be filed.

Regent Fullerton gave reminders that we place donations for the Christian Waldshmidt Homestead in the CWH box; we collect pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House, bottle caps and #2,4, and 5 plastic lids for a bench, and gift cards for veterans.

Regent’s Report: Regent Linda Fullerton shared some information about herself and stated four goals that she will have during her administration: 1) keep the membership informed and encourage to take part as each can; 2) maintain involvement with Wreaths Across America; 3) keep reaching into the schools with our essay programs and help with after-school programs; and 4) facilitate the Junior DAR members, age 18-35, to become a tight-knit group as they participate more and more in DAR.

Regent Fullerton gave a reminder that DAR is a non-sectarian, non-political women’s service organization and we do not endorse candidates as a group. We do not discuss politics during meetings. She requested that all members make sure their contact information is kept up-to-date; the Regent, Registrar, and Treasurer can update your information on e-Membership.

Fall Fun Fair is August 24; about six members will attend. The Simon Kenton Chili Festival and Hoopla Parade is September 28; please sign up to help in the truck or two tents. We are making Revolutionary War chili.

Oktoberfest is Sunday, Oct. 6; please sign up. Urbana Chapter Docent for a Day at the CWH will be Oct. 13. Five members will be docents; they leave at 10:45 a.m.

The Naturalization Ceremony in Dayton is Oct. 17. We will need to prep lapel pin packages, and one of our members will be in the Jury Box to represent us.

Vice-Regent’s Report: Claudia Foulk stated that at the State level, Ohio DAR (OSDAR) wants our help in finding under-represented Patriots.

Chaplain’s Report: Lynda Berube stated that she interviewed Jack McGuire, age 94, a veteran drafted in 1954, who left service as a Captain, after inspecting meat for the military.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks gave a report. Proposed bills to pay were presented. The Treasurer reminded everyone to renew membership dues by the end of September.

Registrar’s Report: This report was submitted by Registrar Kim Snyder and retiring Registrar Dona Tullis. There are 84 members at present, with four prospective members, one of those having an application at the National level.

Historian’s Report: Suzanne Selvaggio will be responsible for the Good Citizens essay contests at the schools.

There was no Librarian’s Report.

Committee Reports: Becky Shultz showed the updated scrapbook. For Flag of the United States, no report. For Service to America, Jeanette Enyart encouraged members to enter their volunteer hours. For WAA, Kim Snyder reminded us that we are sponsoring memorial wreaths of U.S. veterans buried at Oak Dale Cemetery.

Unfinished Business: The regent read Thank You notes from several fair-related groups, thanking Urbana Chapter DAR for the awards and trophies we sponsored. As there was no New Business, the business meeting was adjourned. Regent Fullerton showed American Spirit magazines that could be taken home.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 at 11 a.m. at Freedom Grove. There will be a Bell Ringing Ceremony for Constitution Week; the community is invited, and all should bring a bell to ring. Regular meeting will follow in the CCCC building. The meeting was adjourned.

Joanna Woodburn,

Recording Secretary

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