Village receives H2Ohio grant, ballistic vests

By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG – The Mechanicsburg Village Council met on Monday, Aug. 5 at a regularly-scheduled meeting in the municipal building.

Village Administrator Roger Brake presented the administrator’s report. He shared that in response to a concern a village resident had regarding street lighting on High Street he obtained a quote from Miami Valley Lighting. To install a light on an existing pole the cost was approximately $600, with an approximately $14 monthly charge to maintain service of the light. After discussion, council ultimately decided to move forward with the project for this specific location.

Brake went on to state that the village received a $17,000 grant from the EPA as part of an H2Ohio Mitigation Grant that protects Ohio waterways from salt run-off. The village plans to use the funds from this grant to build a proper salt storage facility.

Brake also initiated a discussion which led to the approval of the purchase of a used street sweeper for $7,500.

Lastly, Brake shared that the online auction for the village’s wood chipper had ended. Council approved to accept the bid of $4,301.

Discussion was had regarding the possibility of getting radar-enabled speed limit signs for the four main entry ways into the village. Ultimately a decision was not made as it was decided that more information was needed.

Charles Hickey shared with the council recommendations made by the planning commission as result of their last meeting. He stated that the commission “moved and passed a motion that off-street parking requirements in the zoning code for businesses within the historical overlay district should be completely eliminated.” This would mean that in the historic district within the village, there would be no requirement that a business would have off-street parking.

This is largely due to the fact that the village has no off-street public parking at this time. It was also stated that on-street parking should be limited to two hours between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday in that district. This also means that any residents who live in that district will “have to figure out where to park. They’ll have to park on Walnut Street or someplace else and walk. Or the owner of the building will have to arrange for off-street parking,” according to Hickey.

Hickey also shared that the planning commission discussed food truck regulations. The recommendation made by the planning commission is that food trucks are not allowed within the village at all unless with a “special event” permit determined by the village. Lengthy discussion was had regarding this topic. Ultimately, it was decided that a decision will be made to accept or deny the recommendation after legal counsel drafts an ordinance aligning with the planning commission’s recommendation.

Mechanicsburg Police Chief David Patrick shared that the department’s new ballistic vests arrived. He also said that he recently completed a grant for upgraded radios.

Patrick went on to share that they are working with the community to get rid of “junk vehicles” within the village limits. A “junk vehicle” is considered to be a vehicle that is not registered and/or is “apparently not operable.” He stated that there are at least 40 properties in the village with junk vehicles. Patrick emphasized that the department will be available to help residents with the removal and disposal of these junk vehicles should they need assistance.

The council then went into executive session to discuss “legal matters.”

The village council will meet next on Monday, Aug. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the municipal building. Village council meetings are open to the public.

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