Plan to see pygmy goats at the Champaign County Fair


By Kara Evans

For the Love of Everything 4-H Club

Pygmy goats are their own breed. Not all small goats are pygmy goats.

Most people wonder “How do you identify a Pygmy goat?”

Well, I’m here to tell you.

According to the NPGA Breed Standard, *The Pygmy Goat is genetically small, cobby, and compact. Its frame is clearly defined and well angulated; limbs and head are short relative to body length.”

The pygmy goat is full-barreled and well-muscled; the body circumference in relation to height and weight is proportionately greater than that of dairy breeds, according to information is from the NPGA Breed Standard publication.

In addition to body type, there are accepted colors like Grey Agouti, Caramel, Black and Black Agouti. They are naturally born with horns but we disbud them a couple of weeks after birth to be shown at the fair without horns. Pygmy goats are not allowed to show at the fair with horns.

Now that we’ve covered appearance, let’s cover judging and showing. A pygmy goat show is judged on conformation to the above breed standard.

Shows are split by does and wethers (castrated males), then by age. The show goes from youngest to oldest. For example 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months etc.

Each class has a winner. Those winners compete for grand champion.

In 2022, my brother Rhys and our goat Brier won Grand Champion Pygmy Goat and in 2023, I won Grand Champion Pygmy Goat with our goat Sven. We’ve been showing pygmy goats at NPGA shows and the fair since 2021. We became interested in pygmy goats after watching them at the fair.

We invite everyone to come watch the 2024 Champaign County Pygmy Goat Show on Friday, Aug. 2 at 8 a.m. in the Woodruff Show Arena.

You can see many adorable goats like the one pictured, our newest doe, RK Thunderbolt Stevie Nicks.

Story submitted on behalf of event participants.

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