Mechanicsburg students win theatre awards


By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG – The Mechanicsburg School Board of Education met on Monday, July 8 at Mechanicsburg Schools.

Superintendent Dr. Danille Prohaska, via video, announced Mechanicsburg High School recipients of the Miami Valley Theater Awards for the spring production of Fiddler on the Roof. Jon Luke Blanton received outstanding lead actor in a musical, Cambryn Tom received a merit award for student choreography, Jasalyn Sartin received a merit award for featured dancer, Robert Righter received a merit award for supporting actor in a musical, Lily Sorensen received outstanding featured student musician, Aila Bradley received a merit award for supporting actress in a musical, and the overall production received a merit Award.

Paul McMahill shared that Ohio Hi-Point is working on expanding its student parking area to better accommodate the large number of students planning on attending this upcoming school year. He also stated that Hi-Point is currently looking to fill several positions for the 2024-25 school year. According to the website, open positions include agriculture instructor (Graham High School satellite), allied health technology instructor (Champaign County), criminal justice instructor, 2024-2025 school year, engineering/manufacturing instructor (Marysville Early College High School), media arts instructor (Benjamin Logan), Media Arts Instructor (Riverside High School), and substitute teachers. More information can be found on the Ohio Hi-Point website.

The board discussed updates to policies. One policy discussed was Policy 7510A (use of district premises). The discussion included updating the policy to include the weight room, parking lots and other areas.

Prohaska shared that they are still looking to hire a physical education/health teacher for the upcoming school year.

Recommendations from the treasurer, Scott Maruniak, included a motion to approve a resolution declaring it necessary to levy a tax in excess of the 10-mill limitation for the benefit of the Mechanicsburg Public Library (a school district library). This and all other treasurer recommendations were approved.

The board then awarded many supplemental contracts, teaching contracts, non-teaching contracts, and administrative contracts for the upcoming school year.

The next board of education meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 12 at 6 p.m.

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