The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 10 a.m. at Dragonfly Vineyard and Wine Cellar. Twenty members and three guests attended.

Regent Kim Snyder called the meeting to order and began the opening ritual, with Betsy VanHoose leading the pledge, Jeanette Enyart leading the American’s Creed, and Joanna Woodburn leading the National Anthem. Cassie Koster held the US Flag for the opening. The regent led recitation of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Regent Snyder, Chaplain Lynda Berube, and Registrar Dona Tullis conducted an induction ceremony for new member Kelly Evans-Wilson, a happy surprise to her mother, Vice Regent Linda Fullerton.

Special guests were introduced by Linda Fullerton: Roxanne Cannonie, Kathy Bailey, and Andrea Carter.

A tour of the winery comprised the program of the day, led by Kent and Connie Eichenauer, proprietors.

There were no questions or comments on the President General’s message, National Defender report, and minutes of the previous meeting, which were emailed prior to the meeting. .

Collections continue of pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House, plastic lids, and change to be placed in the Christian Waldschmidt House (CWH) replica.

Regent’s Report: Registration is online and must be completed for Continental Congress before the 1st of June. Begin planning now for Fall Fun Fair on August 24; registration begins about July 3. The Chapter earns points for attendance at State Conference and Fall Fun Fair.

Regent Snyder discussed challenges with continuing the local C.A.R. society. Plans for the Black Heritage Festival, June 15 were discussed. Before Sept. 17, we will need to prep lapel pin packages for the Naturalization Ceremony at the Federal Courthouse in Dayton, Ohio. One of our members will be allowed to be in the Jury Box to represent us. Linda Fullerton will be coordinating this effort.

There is a virtual Zoom training on June 11 for Docent Training, and the Urbana Chapter Docent for a Day at Christian Waldschmidt Homestead on Oct. 13. Plans for Simon Kenton Chili Festival and Hoopla Parade on September 28 are underway, as well as for Oktoberfest on October 6.

There was no Vice Regent’s Report. For Chaplain’s Report, Linda Berube related an encounter regarding a damaged Veterans marker, in which she was able to secure a new metal marker for a local grave from Buzzy Moore, Champaign County Veterans Services Officer.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Judy Brooks read a thank-you note from the Summer Theater Camp for the scholarship DAR sponsored. She presented the Report, which was approved by consensus. Regent Snyder presented the Treasurer with a check from Wreaths Across America.

Proposed bills to pay were discussed. Cassandra Koster moved, Jeanette Enyart seconded, that the Chapter sponsor non-livestock trophies at the Champaign County Fair. Motion carried. Pat Detwiler moved, Becky Shultz seconded, to endorse the Executive Board action to support a scholarship for the Urbana Junior High School Washington, D.C. trip. Motion carried.

Registrar’s Report: Dona Tullis, Registrar, reported that the Chapter now has 84 members and she is currently working with three prospective members.

Librarian’s Report: Claudia Foulk reported on a project to send thank you cards to veterans, in which all members may participate. She needs names and addresses of any living veteran for this project.

Committee Reports:

Jeanette Enyart reported for Service to America, encouraging members to record their service hours and ask for an information sheet with acceptable hours if needed. The national goal is for 30 service hours per member per year. For Wreaths Across America, Regent Kim Snyder reported that we will promote WAA at all the upcoming festivals. Six hundred and four wreaths are still needed for Oak Dale Cemetery, and any excess will be shared with other cemeteries.

There was no Unfinished Business or Old Business.

New Business: Regent Snyder presented the Nominating Committee’s Report as follows: Regent, Linda Fullerton; First Vice Regent, Claudia Foulk; Second Vice Regent, Betsy Van Hoose; Chaplain, Lynda Berube; Recording Secretary, Joanna Woodburn; Treasurer, Judith Brooks; Assistant Treasurer, Jeanette Enyart; Registrar, Kim Snyder; Historian, Suzanne Selvaggio; Librarian, Carol Tong. Pat Detwiler moved, Lana Seeberg seconded, that nominations be closed. The motion carried. The slate of officers was approved by acclamation.

Linda Fullerton spoke on behalf of the new St. Paris Bike Trail that is being developed. Jeanette Enyart moved, Pat Detwiler seconded that the Chapter support Sgt. Zack Thorsky’s initial 121-mile ride to raise money for the trail. Sgt. Thorsky is a mountain biker who is in the Air Force and is stationed at Wright-Patt. Motion carried.

The next meeting of the Chapter will be the Flag Day potluck on Friday, June 14, 2024, at 11 a.m. at the Champaign County Historical Society Museum. State Regent Susan Leininger will be our special guest and will install the new officers. She will present an America 250! Program. Bring a guest.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Joanna Woodburn

Recording Secretary

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