Crane Pumps supports Habitat

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Crane Pumps and Crane Charitable Funds of Piqua, Ohio, have again chosen to support Habitat for Humanity, Champaign County Ohio as the 14th Habitat home 2024 has begun construction in St. Paris.

Presenting an $11,500 check to HFHCCO board members Greg Ward, Lori Kauffman, and Marcia Ward were Crane VP Ops Gregg Swint; Vicki Davis Ex. Assistant to Crane President; and Crane President Brian Sweeney.

Crane Pumps has contributed over $40,000 to the last four HFHCCO homes built in Champaign Cty. HFHCCO is indebted to Crane Charitable Funds. Crane also provides one week of volunteer help sending 25 Crane employees to build the new Habitat home.

Crane Charitable Funds announced that HFHCCO was recommended by Crane Associate Ms. Davis, explaining that HFHCCO provides assistance to underserved populations in the local community. Help is provided both through volunteerism as well as corporate monetary giving. The HFHCCO home recipients who will assist in their home build and pay an interest-free mortgage on the 14th local Habitat home are Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ropp (Brittany), Urbana, and children Justice and Levi.

Submitted by HFHCCO

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