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WEST LIBERTY – December Seniors of the Month for West Liberty-Salem are Anna Byrd and Riggs Lapp:

Anna Byrd

Parents: Leslie & Paul Waibel

School Activities and Awards:

This year I participated in the drama production of Chasing Charming and was one of the three flag captains in the WL-S marching band. I’m currently in the school’s Book Club and Pages group. I was voted in by the student body as Senior Class President and Officer.

If I were principal for a day:

I don’t think much would change actually! I think I would talk to students one-on-one to make sure everyone is enjoying their school year and their classes!

Favorite school memory:

My favorite school memories are Friday night home football games and performing at halftime!

People who have been an inspiration to me include: My dad, Paul Waibel

Because: My father is the reason for my drive to succeed in life. I admire his work ethic, his determination, and all that he does for my family. I can only hope to be like him one day.

Lately, I have been reading:

My book club read The Silent Patient, a psychological thriller about a mute patient and her psychotherapist.

My advice to parents:

Hug your kids and tell them you love them every time you leave, even if you’re just going to the other room. Kids are hard on themselves, don’t ever let them forget that they are loved no matter what.

My biggest regret:

My biggest regret is not putting my all into my grades until this year. I usually get decent marks, but working hard makes getting an A+ so much better.

Next year I will be:

Next year I hope to be attending Ohio University and working towards a degree in journalism!

Advisor: Greg Johnson, MS/HS Principal


Riggs Lapp

Parents: Jason and Gretchen Lapp

School Activities and Awards:

Throughout high school, I participated in four years of football, and four years of FFA. During my junior year, I started participating in Link Crew. I am also involved in the National Honor Society. In addition, I am a hall monitor along with Sam Lauck.

If I were principal for a day:

If I were the principal for the day, I would send out an all call to the students and staff of WL-S and have school cancelled for the day.

Favorite school memory:

My favorite school memory is wandering the hallways periodically throughout the day.

People who have been an inspiration to me include:

My parents and grandparents have been some of my biggest influences.

Because: They showed me what it means to be a hard worker and how things are earned and not given.

Lately, I have been reading:

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

My advice to parents:

Let them be a teenager and let them learn from their mistakes. Don’t hold them back from doing what they enjoy.

My biggest regret:

Not playing baseball in high school

Next year I will be:

I will be attending a two-year college for an undecided major

Advisor: Greg Johnson, MS/HS Principal

Submitted by West Liberty-Salem

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