Pictured are local DAR members hosting a tent at Oktoberfest.

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Urbana Chapter DAR


Oct. 16, 2023

The Urbana Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution met Oct. 16, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, with twenty members and one guest attending. Members were: Pat Detwiler, Kim Snyder, Betty Driever, Dona Tullis, Linda Fullerton, Connie Flanly, Joanna Woodburn, Judith Henson, Janet Evans, Lana Seeberg, Judy Brooks, Jeanne Evans, Rita Woodard, Sharon McCall, Robin Feather, Charlotte Roby, Cassandra (Cassie) Koster, Jeanette Enyart, and Sue Maurice. Guest attendee was Debbie Lamb.

Regent Kim Snyder gaveled the meeting to order. Janet Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance, Cassie Koster led the American’s Creed and the group sang the National Anthem to piano accompaniment by Joanna Woodburn. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America was then recited.

Regent Snyder welcomed Betty Driever and others who have not been with us for a long time due to illness or other factors. The Regent asked for any questions about the President General’s message, National Defense Report and minutes of the last meeting, which were emailed to all prior to the meeting. There were two adjustments made to the September minutes, and minutes filed.

The CWH Homestead house model was passed, and a container for pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House, and a container for gift cards for local veterans outreach were noted.

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder showed slides of the Ohio School Bus Tour she took in September visiting DAR supported schools along the Appalachian Trail. She was excited to see all that is being accomplished. Sites included Hindman, Crossnore, Berry College, and the Kate Duncan Smith DAR school which will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year.

Regent Snyder thanked all who participated in the Simon Kenton Hoopla Parade and Chili Festival, as well as Oktoberfest. She and Pat Detwiler helped out at the Moving Wall exhibit. The Regent has been making contact with VFW Commander Craig Bennett in preparation for our November meeting, which will be held at the VFW hall, and we will invite VFW members to attend. Our Quilt of Valor, sewn by Janet Evans, will be presented to a worthy veteran at this meeting, and we are to bring gift cards for veterans.

The Regent is coordinating plans for flag retirement in collaboration with the Scouts. A plan for a permanent retirement location is being organized and will involve Scout leadership, Veterans groups, Master Gardeners, and our Chapter. Our Service to America project will be preparing flags for retirement. She and Linda Fullerton demonstrated how to properly fold a flag in preparation for the retirement, and how the flags should be flown one last time and laid on the fire to retire properly. The Regent was at the Fall Festival at Christian Waldschmidt Homestead.

Our Chapter Day of Docenting at the Homestead is next Sunday, October 22, and the sign up sheet was passed for final volunteers.

Vice Regent’s Report: Linda Fullerton stated that it appears our Chapter will meet the Trillium level on the State Honor Roll.

Chaplain’s Report: There was no report due to illness of Chaplain Berube. Other illnesses were mentioned.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks presented written reports for September and October. Pat Detwiler moved, Claudia Foulk seconded, to approve a Chapter contribution for the Bucks for KDS program. Motion carried. After a contribution and more discussion, Judi Henson moved, Amber Cole seconded, that a matching donation be sent by the Chapter to Bucks for KDS. Motion carried.

The proposed budget for next year was presented, along with an analysis of expenditures by category for the past year. Jeanette Enyart moved, Cassie Koster seconded, that we approve the proposed budget. Motion carried.

Registrar’s Report: Dona Tullis reported that our membership is 76, and three C.A.R. members have their DAR applications at National, and that two applications have been filed under an age-of-applicant priority rule. She is following up on several individuals whose names she received at the Black Heritage Festival and Oktoberfest.

Librarian’s Report: Claudia Foulk reported on three unsung heroes of the Revolutionary War.

Committee Reports: Service to America: Jeanette Enyart reported that we have recorded 1,700 volunteer hours year-to-date. Contact her if you have questions or need help in recording hours.

Wreaths Across America: Pat Detwiler reported that Thanksgiving Day is the deadline for ordering wreaths, which are $17. Please distribute flyers and encourage purchasing wreaths. Saturday, December 16 will be the day for laying wreaths at the graveyard.

Service to Veterans: Claudia Foulk reminded everyone to bring gift cards for veterans for food, gas, drugstores, etc. to the November meeting. Write the amount of the card on the back of each in permanent marker.

Regent Snyder reminded members that she is registrar for the Cuttahotha Society Children of American Revolution, and any children in your family who are under 18, and are eligible under your family line, qualify to be in C.A.R.

As there was no unfinished business or new business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m. The next meeting is Saturday, Nov. 18 at 10 a.m. at the VFW BrownRidge Hall.

Local veterans are invited to attend.

Joanna Woodburn,

Recording Secretary

Submitted by DAR