Bailey, Cave seek Rush Twp. trustee seat


RUSH TWP. – Two candidates are vying for the Rush Township trustee position on the Nov. 7 ballot.

Incumbent trustee Cinda Bailey and challenger Elizabeth Cave each responded to candidate surveys sent to them by the Urbana Daily Citizen leading up to the election.

Below are their responses in the alphabetical order of surname:

Cinda K. Bailey, 4994 Burton Road, North Lewisburg

What skills and experience do you have that qualify you to be a township trustee?

I am an incumbent seeking re-election for Rush Township trustee. I have served in this capacity for 17 years. Prior, I was a member of the Board of Appeals for Rush Township, Member of Ohio Township Association, Auditor of State Certified Public Records training.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

The biggest challenge is the rising cost of materials and equipment used to maintain our roads.

Please explain the relationship between Rush Township as an entity and other governmental entities in the area.

Our township partners with Woodstock, North Lewisburg and Wayne township for Fire and EMS services, known as Northeast Champaign County Fire District. We use the LUC Regional Planning Commission for guidance and support with development and land resources. The Champaign County Engineer provides support with roads, bridges and culverts. The Champaign County Prosecutor’s office is our legal representation. They assist with legal matters and provide support for our township.

What do you hope to accomplish as a trustee?

I want to make continuous improvement on our township roads. We have fog sealed select roads after tar and chip with success. This application is saving tax dollars over time because we are not having to tar and chip as frequently. I am proud of our roads here in Rush Township. Roads continue to be a priority today, just as they were with past trustees.


Elizabeth Cave, 3899 Burton Road, Woodstock

What skills and experience do you have that qualify you to be a township trustee?

I am a 5th generation member of this community and know its citizens well. I have an in-depth understanding of community dynamics and an appreciation of key issues that the citizens of Rush Township are concerned with. I have given back to the community by helping the youth as a substitute teacher and as a softball coach. I look forward to further serving our community as Township Trustee. My skills as a communicator, negotiator, and people-person along with my task-oriented nature will allow me to work with others to address key concerns in our community.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

The biggest challenges facing townships in Ohio are zoning issues and increasing transparency regarding which zoning laws are being discussed. An example of this would be the solar projects being created across Ohio and potentially in Rush Township. I have been raising awareness of the incoming solar projects. I passed out fliers and made people aware of this issue, then as a community we informed the current trustees of our public opinion. I am passionate about conserving the beauty of our community and would like to continue increasing transparency around zoning issues, particularly those that would change our landscape.

Please explain the relationship between Rush township as an entity and other governmental entities in the area.

The key objective of departments in Rush Township should be to serve the members of this community. As trustee, I would ensure that the actions of governmental entities aligned with the values and concerns of our community members. I will work with the county prosecutor’s office, the department of health, the county auditor, the county commissioners, along with other offices to ensure that our community is safe and our concerns are being addressed. I plan on working closely with the above entities to better our community and closely examine our budget to ensure our tax dollars are being spent wisely.

What do you hope to accomplish as a trustee?

As Rush Township trustee, I want to continue helping my community in a more effective way than I currently can. My primary goal is to make information more accessible to the public and make it easier for community members to voice their concerns and opinions.

I would also seek grants to increase funding to our township instead of increasing taxes. As trustee, I would act as the voice of our community and get our needs addressed in a timely and cost-effective manner. I am excited to meet more members of our community, hear their concerns, and advocate for them.

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