Four seek Urbana Township trustee seat


Four candidates are running for one Urbana Township seat on the Nov. 7 ballot.

Daniel E. Evilsizor, Matt Harrigan, Marty Hess and Scott Wright are the candidates. The Urbana Daily Citizen provided an opportunity to each candidate to answer a set of questions prior to the election.

Below are the candidate surveys in alphabetical order of surname:

Daniel Evilsizor

1401 state Route 54, Urbana Township

What skills and experience do you have that qualify you to be a township trustee?

Consistency, commitment, eagerness to serve – 44-plus years of marriage to my best friend, Melissa Schade Evilsizor. Born and raised here. Fellow resident and taxpayer. Employed at Fortune 500 Company (Lumen) past 24+ years (Finance Department, Corporate Security, Risk Management, Fraud Detection). Paralegal Certification since 1995. Bible College Graduate, Ordained and Ohio Licensed Minister since 2008. Volunteer Friend, Advocate, Liaison, Spokesman of nearly 17,000 Amish. Various Board appointments, Church and Ohio State Fair. Supporter of 4-H, FFA, Farm Bureau. Volunteered as Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children, and Guardian Ad Litem. Numerous Missionary encounters. Unafraid of challenges.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

Among countless challenges affecting townships include: Serving all residents, not just select handfuls of a clique or “Good Ole Boys Club.” Dealing with, and trying to maintain an even-handed approach to constantly increasing expenses in virtually every assortment of budgeting, planning and accountancy. Providing the greatest attainable and cost-effective Fire and Emergency Services to Township residents. Protecting and preserving roadways, right of ways, drainage, ditches, and property rights of residents. Keeping well-informed of, and in compliance with, the ever-changing new processes, procedures, laws, rules and regulations.

Please explain the relationship between Urbana Township as an entity and the City of Urbana

Apart from being an extremely close-knit community they are two wholly different governmental entities, each with their own distinct leadership, governance, attitudes, attributes, ideas, motives, goals, and funding to say the least. Urbana Township includes portions of Urbana Municipality; while portions of Urbana are also within Salem Township boundaries. Each of these “Good Neighbors” strive to do best by their constituents. Unfortunately, sometimes it does present differences in those adjoining relationships, and there is always a need and desire for open communication, cooperation, compromise and comprehension among neighbors.

What do you hope to accomplish as one of three trustees?

As one of three trustees I would pray to work together and accomplish, as a team, for the benefit of Urbana Township Residents, more participation and involvement in relationships between residents and trustees. I‘d strive to enhance better communication and comprehension of issues and concerns at hand, which matter to, and affect residents thus promoting Efficient, Effective, Impartial Government. I would further desire research and education regarding anxieties over possible effects and/or impacts that large scale pumping of huge volumes of water for irrigation, may or may not have upon our ground water supply, filtration and potential for contamination.


Matt Harrigan

778 Boyce St., Urbana

What skills and experience do you have that qualify you to be a township trustee?

My 37 years at Honda of America have given me experience not only supervising and training others, but formulating and integrating solutions to problems big and small. I have skillfully developed proposals with my team members while directly involving production teams. I have been able to share these solutions in meetings and presentations only to further them into action. The process to get the best answer to any issue includes teamwork and communication skills for which I have developed both over many years. I believe these abilities are my greatest strengths and will be beneficial in working with township members.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

I have regularly been attending township meetings this year. I have witnessed, listened carefully, and read some of the biggest challenges facing Urbana Township. These include the budget, renewable energy, and fire and EMS contracts. Also, with continued growth, consideration must be examined for the integration of new housing developments into the township.

Please explain the relationship between Urbana Township as an entity and the City of Urbana

Urbana Township serves as the governing body for the rural roads, cemeteries, and people of the outlying areas of Urbana. There are four cemeteries maintained solely by the township. The trustees work with the city for fire protection and EMS needs. The township shares several roads with the city including Dugan Road, Campground Road, Children’s Home Road, Dellinger Road, East Lawn Avenue, and Edgewood Avenue. Together they work jointly with the county engineer for necessary road maintenance.

What do you hope to accomplish as one of the three trustees?

I feel I could assist the township with ideas for enhancing meetings with technology upgrades. Making meetings more “user friendly” for all who attend is reasonable and ideal for better information exchange. Additionally, I am aware of the strong and proud tradition of Urbana Township being manned by actively working and dedicated members. I realize this position requires more than just attending meetings and I would be proud to be elected and contribute to work hands on for the needs of the township.

I have the time and desire to give to the position.


Marty Hess

118 Maple Street, Urbana

What skills and experience do you have that qualify you to be a township trustee?

I have owned 3 businesses in Urbana, currently Marty’s Waterworks, I was Transportation Supervisor for Urbana City Schools for 20 plus years and have served on Urbana City Council as At-Large and currently President of council. I have experience in business, government, and have lived in Champaign County since birth, I understand how to listen to people and do what is possible to help. I try to do the most possible with what is available to get jobs done, how to work with people, and how to solve problems. I am available to do the job.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

I feel the township is in good shape and just needs to continue with the programs that are working, keeping the roads in good shape, enforcing the zoning issues that arise, and protecting the agriculture background and still promoting growth, both residential and commercial in Urbana Township. The current trustees have done well with the finances and use the funds wisely and carefully. I would continue to do that to get the most for the citizens of Urbana Township. Again, keeping the roads safe, the cemetery looking great, and answering to the citizens concerns, would be the challenges.

Please explain the relationship between Urbana Township as an entity and the City of Urbana

Urbana Township encompasses the city of Urbana and they have worked together in different projects. The city provides fire and emergency services via a contract, several of the streets and roads are services jointly, and the Township and city will need to work together in zoning,and the future growth that is always happening and will need to be addressed with the changes that will happen. Communication between the two is the most important part of the relationship to grow together.

What do you hope to accomplish as one of three trustees?

As a new trustee, I will use the knowledge that I have learned, my background in government, my experience in business, and my ability to listen and try to understand the concerns and problems of the citizens and solve these problems. I would expect to continue to use the monies to the maximum good for the people. And I hope as always to “leave it better than I found it.” I thank the citizens of Urbana Township for the opportunity to serve them.


Scott Wright

2377 state Route 54, Urbana

What skills and experience do you have that would qualify you to be a township trustee?

My skills and experience include serving on the Urbana Township Board of Zoning Appeals for six years. I have knowledge of how the township operates through serving on the appeals board and through working many years in road construction and excavating.

What is the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio?

I feel the biggest challenge facing townships in Ohio today are the rising costs of materials, equipment, fire coverage, labor, along with finding and hiring employees.

Please explain the relationship between the Urbana Township as an entity and the City of Urbana

As they are their own entities, it is very important to have a good working relationship with the city, so that all patrons of both entities are served to the highest degree possible.

What do you hope to accomplish as one of three trustees?

The township has been put in a magnificent place with the current trustees. I hope to maintain the current level of service and improve the services in any way possible.

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