Five vie for two Urbana BOE seats


Five candidates are running for two seats on the Urbana City Schools Board of Education.

The candidates are Taylor Armstrong, Sarah Finch, Alyssa Knisley, Tyler Wolf and Shelly Ward.

The Urbana Daily Citizen provided an opportunity to each candidate to answer a set of survey questions prior to the Nov. 7 election.

Below are the candidate surveys in alphabetical order of surname:


Taylor Armstrong, 626 Louden St., Urbana

What specific improvements would you like to introduce for the Urbana City Schools and how would you as a single board member accomplish this?

Improvements over the long-term that need to be introduced should target the quality and value of our educational programming through athletics & workforce development. High school athletics is one of the best mediums of learning for our student-athletes and creates cultures of discipline and responsibility both academically and in life. Investing in programs that sharpen and teach our students skills that are in high demand from industry, higher education, and even our local businesses/manufacturers will give our school district a competitive advantage. I am committed to restore the community partnerships necessary to help make these improvements for our schools.

Would you intend to support/retain the current administrative leadership for the school district? Why or why not?

It’s no secret that our community and many others are dissatisfied with current leadership. The board of education is a conduit between the community and the school district and it will be our responsibility to ensure leadership meets the standards provided by our stakeholders while advancing our students above all else. I believe administrative leadership has continually fallen short on many of these standards. As a member of the board, I will not tolerate our school district to be held hostage by decision-making from leadership who do not understand our community and the role our schools play in it.

How important are current social and culture issues as they apply to the schools/students and how would you attempt to shape the future policies for those issues?

Unfortunately, radical social and cultural issues/concepts have begun to infiltrate and even hijack our public education system at the expense of parents and students. This is a reality that cannot be ignored and is happening in areas not far from where we are. Our community and school district have been fortunate enough not to face many of the challenges and fallout others have dealt with, but I will not entertain any district-driven initiatives that seek to shape or change policies that counter the values & principles of our community and serve as a distraction for our teachers & students.

What is the greatest challenge facing the school district?

By far the biggest challenge we face is the amount of students who are open enrolled outside of the district. The 2022-2023 State Report Card showed 286 students, whose families live, work, and pay taxes in the district, are open enrolling to other public schools in the area. This trend is unsustainable for any district and will only worsen as the EdChoice Program has been expanded to become virtually universal. It’s critical that the next board of education establish a long-term strategy/plan to implement improvements and evaluate the performance of current leadership in an effort to address this statistic.


Alyssa Knisley, 124 College St., Urbana

What specific improvements would you like to introduce for the Urbana City Schools and how would you as a single board member accomplish this?

I would like to improve our score card, increase student enrollment and retain the students we have. It’s an uphill battle with all the options students have to get their education. Also, if criteria changes the score is not apples to apples. Urbana struggles like every district. Communication between administrators, parents and students is key. Yet with that being said, there is nothing one single board member can do. It is working as a team, trying different options, and listening to administrators, board members, teachers, parents and students to do what’s best or the best we can offer to them.

Would you intend to support/retain the current administrative leadership for the school district? Why or why not?

The saying the grass is not always greener on the other side fits. I don’t believe everything is perfect, we are human. Could things be better … absolutely. On the flip side they could be worse. Actions have consequences. New leadership may not turn out the way it was planned. People look good on paper. They may interview well. Maybe they are looking for a new challenge. You never know what you may get. I am not willing to take that risk for Urbana. Not willing to cost the district extra money, money for the students/ programs.

How important are current social and culture issues as they apply to the schools/students and how would you attempt to shape the future policies for those issues?

Very important. I think it goes to say not one person can fix anything/everything, but while we are on this earth we should do our best. It takes all levels. Starting from home, to the students, to the teachers, administrators and the board. Policies are just that. Being kind, compassionate, forgiving and accepting of the fact we are all different and will not always see eye to eye. Yet get up everyday to do the best that we can.

What is the greatest challenge facing the school district?

Bullying is still an issue and has been for a very long time. Yet now with social media there is no off switch. I have no cure. I wish I had a magic fix but I don’t. This is one reason why we lose enrollment and lose students. No one wants to go where they are not liked everyday or their complaints are dismissed. True, you are not going to like or get along with everyone. Kindness goes a long way.


Tyler Wolf, 4537 Hickory Ridge Road, Urbana

What specific improvements would you like to introduce for the Urbana City Schools and how would you as a single board member accomplish this?

Maintaining an open line of communication between board members and educators. Making sure they are heard, understood, and have what they need to best educate our students should be the focus of each and every board member. If this is done, then educators can do their job to the best of their abilities.

Would you intend to support/retain the current administrative leadership for the school district? Why or why not?

Until I am on the board, and have a better understanding, I have no position on whether or not changes need to be made. Making decisions prior to gathering all information is reckless and a detriment to the school system. Once I have a firm grasp on how things operate, I will suggest any changes that I deem beneficial to the entire school district.

How important are current social and culture issues as they apply to the schools/students and how would you attempt to shape the future policies for those issues?

The only issues and factors that should shape policy are those that impact the students and educators of the school district; if that happens to be current social and cultural issues, then they will be appropriately addressed to make sure the best environment possible is created. There is no one specific right answer to such a broad question. The goal will be simple: create an environment where educators can educate and students can learn.

What is the greatest challenge facing the school district?

The greatest challenge facing the school district doesn’t need to be over-complicated or pigeonholed into one thing. Ensuring that educators are heard and supported should be the main goal of the board, for that in itself will solve a vary large majority of any problems the school district may face. For many, the educators are the only frame of reference in the school district. With that being the case, they should be the focus. If that is done properly, the students will be their focus, and that is the ultimate goal of any successful school district.


The following candidate responded to outreach, but not in survey format:

Sarah Finch is an Urbana Board of Education member, running for another 4-year term in November. She has been with the board for six years; has been very active with the board and with the students and teachers of Urbana for many years,

Finch has worked with the administration of Urbana by helping to get several different items passed for the community and the children. Finch said in response to the survey questions: “Our work relationship is very good and we do listen to each other and we make good decisions to make our community happy and feel good and be successful. Our board works so well as a team to ensure happiness and help our students to be successful with their lives. The greatest challenge facing our school district is ensuring funds most needed of our students to be able to learn and grow in life.”


Candidate Shelly Ward did not respond to the survey by the deadline. She provided the following residential address when filing with the Champaign County Board of Elections: 888 Roger Drive, Urbana.

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