School board discusses eclipse preparations


By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG – The Mechanicsburg School Board of Education met on Monday, Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. at Mechanicsburg Schools.

Board Member Paul McMahill shared that Ohio Hi-Point enrollment is currently at 604 students, which according to McMahill is one of the highest the school has had so far.

Board member Todd Boeck shared that the building and grounds committee had conducted a “walk around” where they looked at things they’d want to work on. He stated that they also looked for what big expenses might be coming up that should be planned for and budgeted for.

Superintendent Dr. Danielle Prohaska shared that she is working on a calendar for those things to better help the school budget for things like maintenance and repairs as the building ages. This also includes some long-term planning as far as looking towards possible future growth, 10 to 15 years plus down the road.

Board member Brian Forrest stated that the Athletic Council had met and discussed current policies and how they impact all sports across all sports and seasons. Forrest stated that they discussed possible updates to those policies to address some of those impacts.

Prohaska went on to share that she recently attended a village leaders wide meeting regarding the upcoming solar eclipse, which will take place on April 8, 2024. The meeting was held to discuss the community’s response to the event. According to Prohaska there is likely going to be an event being held at the park for the eclipse, which would require the school to consider things like the grounds being used as a viewing area and parking area. She also stated that they would need to decide things like whether to open concession stands on this date, making portable restrooms available, and canceling/rescheduling any sports games etc. that might already be scheduled for that date. She stated that there are upcoming village and county meetings regarding the eclipse.

Recommendations from the treasurer, Scott Maruniak, were passed including a motion to approve the installation of a new metal roof system to the weight room facility with a 30-year warranty utilizing the state term procurement schedule through the Garland Company Inc, in an amount of $227,055. This includes all roof structures on the facility.

The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 9 at 6 p.m.

Reach the writer at [email protected]

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