Mechanicsburg hires village administrator


By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG — The Mechanicsburg Village Council met on Monday, Aug. 7 at a regularly-scheduled meeting in the municipal building.

Mayor Greg Kimball presented the administrator report. A motion was passed to formalize the hiring of Roger Brake as Village Administrator. Ordinance 23-06 was passed by emergency. This ordinance waives the residency requirement for Brake.

During public participation it was brought to the attention of the council that there are concerns about the depth of the manhole covers on the newly-paved streets within the village. The council informed the resident that they had discussed the issue with the appropriate people and were assured that it would be looked into. The resident, Bill Cobb, pointed out that nothing had been done about this issue, and he had brought it to the council previously.

Kimball informed the council that a meeting is scheduled for Aug. 24 regarding the upcoming fire levy. He also stated that a meeting regarding the Phase 2 water project was held, construction is said to start in early September.

A motion was made to agree to terms regarding a property/income tax/utility dispute.

A Utility Committee Meeting was scheduled for Aug. 12 at 9 a.m.

A Safety Committee meeting was scheduled for Sept. 23 at 9 a.m.

Mechanicsburg Police Department Chief David Patrick shared the department’s list of citations for the month. He also stated that a contract has been drafted in regards to the school’s resource officer, and that the school will be paying for the officer’s overtime. He also brought to the council a question regarding out of date, unused, and non-functioning equipment that has been in storage. After discussion, the decision was made to destroy all of the items.

The first reading for Resolution 23-11 was conducted, which gives consent for ODOT to pave state routes throughout the village in 2024.

Resolution 23-12 was passed by emergency. This resolution gives the mayor authorization to submit an application and to execute contracts for Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) Phase 3 water project in 2024.

The Village Council will meet next on Monday, Aug. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the municipal building.

Reach the writer at [email protected]

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