Armstrong, Merritt win at county tournament


CABLE – Urbana’s Tate Armstrong won the Champaign County Boys Golf Tournament with a 72 at Woodland on Friday.

Graham’s Grant Woodruff placed third overall.

Mechanicsburg won the team title led by Anderson Reiser’s 75.

Also for the Indians, Will Reiser had an 82, Conner Eyink an 83 and PJ Shonkwiler an 82.

For the Hillclimbers – who placed second as a team – Ryland Davis had a 93, Gavin Hower a 94, Jackson Dewitt a 104 and Price Bass a 107.

In the county girls tourney, Graham’s Zoey Merritt placed first overall and Urbana claimed the team title.

On Monday, the Urbana Classic at Urbana Country Club was rained out.

Hildebrand honored

The Ohio High School Athletic Association announced that recent Urbana High School graduate Jonathan Hildebrand has received the George Rise Honorary Scholarship.

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