Fashion to a Tea event planning begins


Submitted story

Breast Friends Forever of Champaign County (BFFofCC) is kicking off the annual fundraising event and promoting the signature event for the group, the 26th Annual Fashion to a Tea, which will take place on Oct. 12, 2023 at the Champaign County Fairgrounds in the 4-H Building.

This is the largest event in Champaign County specifically for supporting individuals with breast related needs, breast cancer survivors, and local businesses, so that we may all come together to enjoy a night of celebration, food, education, and fundraising. This year’s theme of “Denim and Diamonds Gala” encourages casual fun dress for all.

The mission of the group is to educate, empower, encourage, and embrace all who reside or work in Champaign County and those who reside in Madison County that are at risk for breast cancer and to provide services to breast cancer patients in need.

In 2022, the organization assisted Champaign County community members with over $20,000 in financial support and other in-kind donations to meet our clients’ needs including meals, house cleaning, grocery shopping, and the much needed emotional support through monthly meetings, texts and phone calls, prayer, and one-on-one conversations.

Kristyn Campbell, the chairwoman of the organization, says “Our goal is to reduce anxiety and stress for breast cancer patients who are going through this unwanted journey and to provide healing support so no one goes through this journey alone. We also want to support those who are waiting for a diagnosis as well. Waiting for test results can be a trying and stressful time, so we are here to encourage and embrace those individuals as well.”

This year the group is asking for sponsorships of tables which are categorized below. The goal is 40 table sponsorships by July 31, 2023, so the group may advertise its event sponsors this year and obtain hosts for tables that are donated by local businesses. Sponsors wanting to add a company “party favor “ for all who sit at the table that would be an added bonus. This way they would remember who sponsored their table of 8. There are three ways to obtain a form to donate: Visit, send an email to [email protected], or call (937)408-2288 to request a form.

Basic Table Sponsorship $350

-Name on Table for Recognition

-1 Bottle of Signature wine from Dragonfly Vineyard and Wine Cellar or a non-alcoholic substitute

Denim Table Sponsorship $500

-Basic Table Sponsorship recognition

-One event t-shirt at table

-Signature listings prior to the event on the organization’s website, Facebook page, and at our booth in the Merchants’ Building of the Champaign County Fair.

-Name recognition and logo on the professional produced slideshow by Your Hometown Tech

Diamond Table Sponsorship $1,000

-Denim Sponsorship recognition

-Name on t-shirt

-8 t-shirts at the table

-Charcuterie Board

-Second bottle of Signature wine from Dragonfly Vineyard and Wine Cellars or non-alcoholic substitute

To this date the following individuals or businesses have pledged support for this year’s Fashion to a Tea:

American Legion #238 Mechanicsburg, Ohio

Mercy Health Urbana Hospital

Park National Bank

Bauer Stove and Fireplace

Your Hometown Tech

KTH Parts Industries, Inc.

Berry Digital Solutions

First Central Bank of St. Paris

Blanche Boutique (Ron and Becky Jackson)

Submitted by Kristyn Campbell and Linda Lensman

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