Mechanicsburg teacher wins excellence award


By Alixandria Wells-Good

Contributing writer

MECHANICSBURG – The Mechanicsburg School Board of Education met on Monday, June 12 at Mechanicsburg Schools.

To begin the meeting the board recognized Richard “Scott” Marsh for being honored with an “Award of Excellence in Teaching.” Marsh was chosen by a committee of peers from a group of statewide finalists. He will be announced as one of six teachers winning this award on social media and will be designated on the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation website. With this award, the school will receive a check for $1,000 this fall to be applied for use in Marsh’s classroom.

Several students were acknowledged for being recipients of the Miami Valley Theater Awards for the spring production of “Freaky Friday.” The awards are as follows: Lilly Marsh – Merit for Lead Actress; Taylor Miller – Merit for Lead Actress; Liam Smith – Merit for Supporting Actor; Elizabeth Dumolt – Merit for Supporting Actress; Ava Johnson – Merit for Supporting Actress; Cambryn Tom – Merit for Supporting Actress; Hailey Gaylor – Merit for Stage Direction; Freaky Friday Cast – Merit for Musical Production.

Next, Scott Marsh and Cecilia Greene presented the board with a copy of a book that they both participated in developing. Greene and Marsh helped collaborate on the book “Children, Young People,and Dark Tourism” which is a book discussing the role that children’s experiences and perspectives relate to “dark tourism.” According to the Washington Post, “dark tourism refers to visiting places where some of the darkest events of human history have unfolded.” The donated book can be found in the Mechanicsburg Schools Library.

The Building Committee shared that the weight room updates are unfolding. It was stated that it is hoped that most updates, other than flooring, will be completed by Aug. 1.

Superintendent Danielle Prohaska shared a summer projects update. According to Prohaska, “one-third of the building is fully stripped each year.” She stated that the project is underway and on track to be completed on time. She also stated that there are open positions currently for a kindergarten teacher and high school ELA.

Several donations were accepted by the board. A donation of $500 was accepted from the Warren Brown Family Foundation in support of the Mechanicsburg Portrait of a Graduate. A donation of $450 was accepted from Edward Johnson in memory of his wife Judith, for the purpose of 8th Grade Breakfast Celebration.

Many contracts were accepted by the board including teaching, supplemental, administrative and classified. The board also accepted the resignation of Kelly Weber from kindergarten teacher due to retirement effective Sept. 30, 2023, and resignation of Chris Delp from high school English effective at the end of the current school year.

The next board meeting will be held on Monday, July 10 at 6 p.m. at Mechanicsburg Schools.

Reach the writer at [email protected]

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