The Urbana Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met November 21 for the chapter’s first full remote meeting. Regent Snyder conducted a short “primer” on logistics of managing a Zoom meeting. She then called the meeting to order followed by the DAR opening ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance and American’s Creed were repeated by those participating virtually. Regent Snyder then read the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner. This was followed by the recitation of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America. Those in attendance were Regent Kim Snyder, Associate member and State Regent, Kathy Dixon, Judy Brooks, Amber Cole (guest), Betty Driever, Janet Ebert, Jeanette Enyart, Jeanne Evans, Linda Fullerton, Judi Henson, Judith Kathary, Sue Maurice, Charlotte Roby (Associate member), Lana Seeberg, Becky Shultz, Megan Snyder, and Dona Tullis.

The President General’s message and National Defense Report were available by email to members for reading prior to the meeting. President Denise Doring VanBuren encouraged members to reflect on our many blessings at this Thanksgiving season and remember our Patriot ancestors who conceived them. Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness were hard won.

Regent Snyder discussed the fact that this November meeting is normally the time we honor the veterans in person. While we miss greatly the opportunity to do so, we are following COVID-19 protocol to keep everyone as safe as possible. Of special interest this month is the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Regent’s Report: Regent Snyder encouraged all members to continue to be patient as the COVID-19 worsens in our area as well as around the world. She specifically asked for prayers for first responders and medical teams. As individuals, she emphasized the simple practices of wearing a mask when going out, keeping one’s circles small, and washing hands frequently. It is important to keep in mind this pandemic is a “once in a century” occurrence and it will be temporary. The Raise the Floor! campaign was successful, having generated the funding goal in three months. Regent Snyder reported her excitement regarding a new project she is a part of for the Ohio DAR. A YouTube channel has been developed which will allow vast improvement in communication on the state level. She will continue sending out information to chapter members via email. In addition, it is important to access the NSDAR system as well as chapter Facebook group. Regent Snyder mentioned Linda Fullerton’s interest in the New Horizon course. She moved that the chapter support Linda as a participant in the New Horizon course. The motion was seconded by Becky Shultz. Motion carried.

Vice Regent’s Report: Linda Fullerton reported on the DAR American History Essay Contest stating that one essay had moved to the district level. All five local high schools participated in the Good Citizen project and one name has been submitted to the next level.

Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were approved as written for filing.

Treasurer’s Report: Judy Brooks reported on the chapter finances. The report will be filed for audit. All membership dues are now paid.

Registrar’s Report: Registrar Dona Tullis reported a membership of 75 and she is waiting for signatures for two prospective members. The application for membership for Lynda Berube has been submitted to national.

Historian’s Report: Janet Ebert reminded members that this year is the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower. She made the comparison that those early pilgrims in most difficult times, found reason to be thankful, just as we must in the current difficult time of a pandemic. Chapter members who are also Mayflower Society members include: Janet Ebert, Rachel Ebert, Kathy Dixon, Carol Tong, and Linda Fullerton.

In the absence of Pat Detwiler, Regent Snyder gave the Wreaths Across American report. The number of wreaths sold through our chapter has reached an estimated 527 currently. Our local veterans will be honored on December 19, 2020 at Oak Dale Cemetery. Masks, working in family groups, and social distancing will be encouraged. Members who are well and wish to participate are requested to meet at Soldier’s Mound at 11:45 AM on December 19!

Judi Henson reported that Urbana Chapter members have recorded 2,406 hours of service to America since the calendar year began January 1, 2020.

Regent Snyder, with deepest regret, mentioned the recent passing of two Urbana Chapter members. Margaret L. Denzer’s death occurred on November 8, 2020, and Ina Mae Wagner passed on November 19, 2020. The chapter extends sympathy to these families.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM. The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 9, 2020, at 1:30 PM on Zoom. It will be a virtual tea party! Bring a cup of tea, holiday cookies, and dress for the joyous season.

Submitted by Urbana Chapter DAR.